Thursday, December 18, 2014

Some random Thoughts & Quotes, from a rambling mind of mine

Keeping it short.. that's what I vowed to do last time. Even that couldn't help me to stick to a regular routine of blogging small posts frequently though, evidently. Forget blogging, I recently lost a job opportunity (yet another; I have become an expert on this for sure!) at the last mile, for failing to keep my answers short. I not only managed to irk the interviewer in the process, he came to his conclusion within half an hr of conversation with me that I will not be good with clients as I am not 'short' and 'precise'. That's not the end, what irked me in turn was that he suggested I am not a good listener! I wished then and there for that interview to be over. How easily people start to judge and conclude things about others in a matter of Minutes. I know it's not easy for an interviewer to define the subject's character and suitability in half an hr or even more than an hr. But with the right questions and the right temperament it's not that tough either.

I consciously make an attempt myself to apply what I preach or criticize others for not doing. What better an opportunity could I have expected than interviewing a candidate myself for a small post in my company. I feel good about myself now, that I could overlook some qualities of the guy which were very poor, but not necessary for this Job description. He did possess what was simply needed from him; and i probed him on those aspects only. I wish my so called 'Interviewer' could see how much I listened rather than blurting out my intelligence. Needless to say, I gave a totally positive feedback and let the HR hire him..

This was not meant to be a 'venting out' post. But somehow it did. Coming back to the point, I pushed myself today to jot down few thoughts/one liners I came up with. There have been many in the past 2 years of solitude where I had time aplenty to ramble all I can. But I forgot most of them, simply due to my lack of effort to write them down somewhere. Without rambling endlessly anymore, let me put down some 'words of wisdom' from the internal tussles of my emotional mind with the logical brain - with a brief description of the thought process behind them.
Disclaimer - These are by no means some original, out of the world thoughts, although I do believe that nothing is original. Everything resides in our mind, we just need to search for it.

1. 'Future doesn't get written in a matter of minutes'

This thought arrived in my mind when I had been thinking in desperation, 'what could have I done more to influence a future outcome in my favour'. By future I meant near future. I realized all of a sudden (and that too at a traffic signal) that things aren't decided at a stroke of a few minutes or even days, merely by the choices we make - the classic 'free will' vs 'destiny'clash. If we could change our luck so easily (even by laborious hard work or perseverance), so as to say if free will could conquer luck/destiny more than often, then it would have been an utter chaos! a complete breakdown of cause and effect cycle. I couldn't crack an interview even after preparing to my complete confidence, because of my certain inadequacies and some things really out of my control. I couldn't have done anything on the latter, just nothing, no matter how hard i had tried. They were just meant to be, 'written' long back..
This line of thought gave me some peace nevertheless, atleast.. ;)

2. For me, 'Hope, (Not expectation, as many say), is the biggest source of misery'. On the contrary, it makes our life tick too..

'Hope is a dangerous word', that's what Morgan Freeman famously said in that epic of a movie 'Shawshank Redemption'. I can't agree more. A sense of Hope inspires us, guides us, and keeps us going against all odds. But hope without action can be cause of utter misery. And more often than not, we fall in that trap - hoping madly, even when hope ceases to exist. Only to realize it very late, and lamenting on it having wasted precious time and mental effort, terribly fatigued and disappointed as a result. We mature as we grow up and learn from the hard incidents how to atleast keep our expectations down if not control them fully. But hoping against hope is constant urge for seeking that light at the end of the tunnel, only to find a dead end. The point is, not to lose hope and move on quickly from our disappointments, instead of hoping mindlessly.

3. 'Nothing happens for Good, it just happens; just for a reason' 

 Yes, I firmly believe in this stream of thought. I can write a whole chapter of a book on it or hold a debate in it's favour. But more on that later someday. What I mean to say is, justifying something that has happened to be a precursor of good things to come in future is utter bullshit. Dare tell a child who just lost his parents in an accident, that it happened for his own good! That child might grow up to be a strong and tough human being. And you can say in hindsight that the incident was the turning point. Of course a turning point, but not a good one. One can only make it good through his extraordinary efforts to turn around that event or disappear into oblivion due to lack of it. It's all a matter of perspective. I have made my point I guess..

Last but not the least for the day, a still half-baked thought:

4. 'The struggle between making a conscious choice or simply letting it go (to choose for itself) is a damn tough one'

It occurred to me only yesterday, how it is easier said than done to simply 'let it go', just because you think it's not in your hands anymore. But some years or decades down the line you might regret, thinking 'if I could have tried a bit more'. Trying to the utmost possible level until you exhaust yourself and leave it to your luck or circumstances is the best a human being can do. But to know for certain if that level/point has come where it's not worth trying anything more, putting your guard down and waiting for the consequences is one of the hardest thing to do in my opinion. It can only come through practice, experience and old age wisdom I suppose.. ;)

This is what you call keeping it long!  I can't run a km without panting for breath, leave aside a marathon. But I can certainly write close to marathon of a post I guess. Let's put a full stop right here. Or else I will go mad going over board with these philosophical thoughts, that too at this young age...


Kavya Venkatesh said...

Hi Arnab,

Enjoyed and thought about lot of things reading this post.

What I really liked was your words on Future doesn't get written in a matter of minutes. Its so true and sometimes we fail to understand this and expect results too soon.

Ive been thinking a lot on your words "Nothing happens for Good, it just happens; just for a reason" and i really liked the child losing parents situation to think about. What you said is completely true.

Keep writing such wonderful posts. Thanks a lot.


Arnab Roy said...

Thanks a lot for your comments Kavya. It makes me glad that my post inspired your own thoughts on it. I will keep trying to post as much as I can on these lines, whenever I feel it's worth writing something and sharing with many others. Afterall, knowledge shared is knowledge gained.. sorry for the excessive gyaan! My next post should be on something light :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks arnab your words were very true which people barely realize..... Hope to get much of your posts about various other topics in near future

Arnab Roy said...

Thanks for your encouraging words..Going through a writer's block i suppose, or maybe pure laziness due to which I haven't come up with a new post in a long time. Will definetly write one in the next few days..
By the way, would really appreciate if you could reveal your identity.. :)