Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Keeping it Short..

I haven't written a blog for almost 2 years now. I won't deal into why i didn't. Trying a cure for this long hiatus I go into from time to time. May be a short post here and there, once a week or two - may be treating my blog as a diary -  will set some regularity in my blogging habit (or the lack of it) once again.  So here it goes - first, a couple of inspiring lines that I read at this wonderful site called 'Farnamstreetblog.com - about saving time, by a Roman stoic philosopher called Seneca:

'What man can you show me who places any value on his time, who reckons the worth of each day, who understands that he is dying daily? For we are mistaken when we look forward to death; the major portion of death has already passed. Whatever years lie behind us are in death's hands.'

Second: this was quite a surprise, a bit shocking one I would say.. I have been thinking over a while on how would it be like if I had a friend who had very similar if not identical thoughts, tastes, passions or interests like I have? How would it be like to converse with him? Wouldn't it be liberating to open up to that person who will understand you better than anyone else, as he will reciprocate your thoughts, feelings and insecurities almost perfectly like a mirror? Can't he be the best friend one can have, if for one moment we cast aside the saying,'Opposites attract'? Well, I was going through this book, 'The Best of Satyajit Ray', a collection of 21 short Translated stories, and call it a coincidence or freakish, I found one of the possible and highly probable answers to it. The 2nd story of this book - 'Ratan Babu and that Man' turned out to be the one coming from Mr. Ray's brilliant and eccentric mind around 44 years ago, exactly about such a situation in life when you face a person who is a mirror image of yourself! It's a fascinating short and quick tale of 18 pages that i finished in a jiffy..

On a highly disturbing day (more so with myself and the happenings around) and a splitting headache, I prayed for a silver lining. I guess this unexpected 'kak-talio' (sort of miracle) incident was the one..


Anusia said...

Very nice post. I liked your style.

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